Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ubuntu error: key_from_blob

If you have seen this error before on Ubuntu (or any flavor of linux for that matter), after some annoying digging i finally resolved my issue.  When adding a new DSA or RSA key to the authorized_keys file of your remote ssh server, you may see the following error

Nov 30 11:58:56 li321-228 sshd[7292]: error: key_from_blob: can't read dsa key
Nov 30 11:58:56 li321-228 sshd[7292]: error: key_read: key_from_blob AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBALZa7U63gJeJm5zHAaP9x1fQKfRdvkbHukV6T8S+392Vs74gQTLn\n failed

Not noticing the "\n" at first glance, i realized that when i pasted the multi-line DSA key into the authorized_keys file, it had newlines in it.  Take out the newlines and you are set !


Olli Kaven said...

Thanks! Solved my issue :)

Unknown said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

thanks a ton :):)

Atreus Karr said...

This is why I love the internet.

Anonymous said...

That was it! Thanks!

Nathan said...

Hey! You've achieved your goal. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Still valid, and problem resolving! Thanks

Hemper said...

It helped me also! Thanks!

Jeffrey said...

Thanks greatt blog